tisdag 13 mars 2012

Emirates sheik appeals Swiss conviction for assault on American in hotel bar

A brother of the United Arab Emirates' ruler has appealed a Swiss court ruling convicting him of assaulting an American with his belt at a luxury hotel bar, a Geneva law firm said Thursday.

Sheik Falah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan has appealed last month's decision that said he inflicted bodily harm on Silvano Orsi, according to Alexandra Lopez of Keppeler & Associates, the law firm representing Orsi.

The Geneva police tribunal convicted the sheik of inflicting "bodily harm with the use of a dangerous object" and ordered him to pay a 10,000 Swiss francs fine (US$9,820).

In addition, the sheik faces a suspended penalty of 540,000 francs (US$530,000), which would be payable in the event of another infraction in Switzerland during the next three years.

The court says the sheik hit Orsi, a resident of Rochester, New York, repeatedly with a steel-buckled belt after Orsi declined a bottle of champagne from the sheik in August 2003.

The sheik's lawyer, Marco Crisante, could not be reached for comment Thursday.

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