måndag 12 mars 2012


RETURN TRIP: When it debuted in 1945, Richard Rodgers' and OscarHammerstein's highly acclaimed second musical, Carousel, broke newground. The composers added a dark, edgy lining to the story ofcarnival barker Billy Bigelow, who falls in love with a young millworker, Julie Jordan. But Bigelow is incapable of supplying thebasics to sustain the relationship. Desperate for money, he dies in arobbery attempt and years later is given the chance to return for oneday in hopes of teaching his daughter a lesson about love. TheMarriott Theatre production stars Brian Herriott and Susan Moniz;Gary Griffin directs. Opens Wednesday through Nov. 3 at MarriottTheatre in Lincolnshire, 10 Marriott Dr., Lincolnshire. Tickets:(847) 634-0200.

PRINCE HAL: The Hypocrites add to their growing roster of thought-provoking works with a production of Shakespeare's historical dramaHenry 5. The company kicks off its fifth season with the story ofHenry V, formerly the rebellious Prince Hal, who follows his father'sadvice to wage war in order to regain the lands in France thatpreviously belonged to England. A cast of 30 is led by John Byrnes asHenry; Sean Graney directs. Opens Sunday and continues through Sept.28 at Storefront Theater, 6 E. Randolph. Tickets: (312) 742-8497.

TWIN TROUBLES: Nicky Silver's Raised in Captivity kicks offSpeaking Ring Theatre's sophomore season. Silver, whose Off-Broadwaysuccesses include "Pterodactyls" and "The Food Chain," delves intodark comedy with this story about the varied neurosis of fraternaltwins Sebastian and Bernadette, and the people in their lives. Theone thing they all have in common? Questions about the meaning ofhappiness and freedom. Michael Brownlee, Kevin Gladish, KristineKarvelas, Jennifer Leavitt and Sean Leonard star; Chuck Karvelasdirects. Opens Thursday and continues through Oct. 12 at the ChicagoCultural Center Studio Theater, 77 E. Randolph. (312) 458-9374.

ODDS & ENDS: As part of the Music Everywhere summer event, RedmoonTheater creates a 30-foot-tall, 12-foot-wide drum tree in MillenniumPark at Michigan and Madison. Performers will scale the structure andplay on dozens of drums and percussion instruments. Check it out from8 to 9 p.m. Wednesday through Sept. 6 ... Another installment ofVaudeville Underground is set for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. The modernvariety show features an array of performers from differentdisciplines. Tickets: (773) 782-9471, ext. 2.

OPENING NIGHTS: Open Eye Productions presents Christopher Durang'sTitanic, a comedy about an odd American family on the ill-fated ship,which this time around doesn't sink. Opens tonight, to Oct. 6 at theAthenaeum Theatre, 3209 N. Southport. Tickets: (312) 902-1500 ...John Logan's Never the Sinner, a drama about the infamous 1924Leopold and Loeb murder case, is staged by Shining ThroughProductions. Opens Thursday, to Sept. 29 at Heartland Studio Theatre,7016 N. Glenwood. Tickets: (773) 743-3591 ... The Theatre of WesternSprings presents Charley's Aunt, Brandon Thomas' comedy about twoOxford students trying to woo their girlfriends with the assistanceof a visiting aunt. Opens Thursday, to Sept. 15 at the Theater ofWestern Springs, 4384 Hampton, Western Springs. Tickets: (708) 246-3380.

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